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Green transformation
Sustainability in construction projects is a hot topic these days, as evidenced by the many green fa
Welcome back nature
In today’s urbanised society, which sometimes resembles a concrete jungle, people are increasingly c
The beauty of aging wood
An annexe that would give the impression that it was built at the same time as the original house is
Multi-stem trees: striking the perfect balance between comfort and aesthetics
Multi-stem trees have become a fixture and a real trend in today’s garden landscape, with landscaper
When the cicadas fall silent at night
This luxurious villa’s sleek contours and pearly white façade sparkle in the sunlight. From the vill
A unique outdoor dining experience
French 3-star restaurant L'Assiette Champenoise was looking to give its outdoor space a refresh. Unt
Taking outdoor lifestyle to the next level
This house, nestled in the English countryside of Oxfordshire, underwent a significant transformatio
Creating a better workplace with biophilic design
From increased productivity to greater mental well-being. An outdoor experience in an office environ