NOA outdoor living NOA outdoor living
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28 May 2024 | Theme story

A time-out in your own garden

We all have different ideas about luxury. Some see some downtime and a social detox as the epitome of luxury. Perhaps the greatest luxury, then, is the ability to get away from it all. In the comfort of your own home. The opportunity to leave all the daily stress behind and relax in the privacy of your own garden. Perhaps luxury is making coffee outside and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. Today, we understand how important it is to spend time outside. Outdoor kitchens have become all the rage as a result. With an outdoor kitchen, you create a tranquil oasis in your own backyard where you can unwind.

NOA partner

About NOA:

NOA outdoor living is an experience park for outdoor design in Kruisem. In the theme gardens, you can find inspiration to decorate your garden. These gardens combine architecture, landscape, and interior, and welcome architects, landscape architects, designers, and contractors as well as private prospects. In this inspiration park, you will find luxurious garden furniture and designs by more than 30 high-end partners, who are happy to advise you as you bring your dream garden to life. Moreover, the park is the perfect professional networking location; the conference rooms, covered patio, spacious showroom, and plaza of NOA outdoor living are the ideal setting for your conference, product presentation, or product launch.

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