NOA outdoor living NOA outdoor living
Plan your experience (required)

NOA visitor satisfaction survey

What is your country ?

Type of visit ?

How did you rate your visit to NOA outdoor living ?

  • Bad
  • Good
  • Excellent

Where do you know NOA outdoor living from ?

Do you have concrete plans for your garden ?

Did you come for a specific product ?

Did you miss anything ?

NOA is an inspiration park, so not a commercial showroom with salespeople.

Did you find all the information via the QR codes ?

Would you recommend NOA to friends, family, colleagues, ... ?

Do you have any useful tips? 

Would you like to be in NOA's prize pool?

Thank you for completing the NOA survey. This is very valuable to us!

The NOA team 

Tip: NOA looks different every season, so it definitely pays to come back regularly.

Plan your outdoor experience